Hats off to you Randy for your creative flair. Just so you know, the title of the blog is The Blog of Randy Christenhusz - Thoughts on Everything while the header subtitle reads Random Banters of .....Stuff.
Great thinking again Randy. You played on those variable keywords to increase the reader's intrigue with your subject matter even further.
I have a confession to make. When the page opened up I was expecting another blog that I would have to politely critique in an effort to find the good qualities to write about in order to help encourage the author to make the proper changes....without offending or discouraging. It is tough to be a good critic. On ONDERLND, I did not have to make any effort. The receptive eye pleasing layout of the blog was an immediate pleasure. As I started reading, I was even more gratified to be reviewing a quality blog.
Randy is making some changes to his theme about which he notifies the reader immediately in a nice little pop up that appeared when the blog opened, where he apologizes for any mess. I did not find any thing out of place. This layout is clean and neat with a good order to the posts. Titles are clearly displayed. Ads in the sidebar are neat and properly limited. At the top right side bar you will immediately find the rss feed button, twitter and email prompts to help you follow Randy's Random Banters and his blog.
Font size was perfect for the eyes and the colors blended easily with one another. The true pleasure for me lay in the writing style - above all else. Randy writes on variable topics which shows he is a versatile writer with a broad view of the world. His content holds that personal touch with a professional prose that is refreshing. I found all the sentences to make sense with complete thoughts and actually find the content interesting enough to read down the page onto various blog posts.
Randy, you have a winning blog and it will be a pleasure to follow you on your freelance writing/blogging journey. I love your outlook on life and hope you continue to share it with the world.
The Midnight Writer