Thursday, May 21, 2009

There are Coffee Shops and Booths Springing up Everywhere

As Cephas and I traveled through Oregon into California, we noticed a lot of new coffee shops and coffee booths springing up in places where we couldn’t find good coffee before. From Burns, Oregon to Sisters, Oregon we counted several new shops on the way. In Sisters, we stopped to buy a good cup of coffee from a little coffee booth hidden off Highway 20 behind the gas station just as you get ready to drive west down the mountain. It was good to give them our business. Yes, they have a little shingle out along the road.

In Burns, Oregon we discovered a new coffee booth just across the parking lot from the new booth that we noticed six months ago when we traveled through their town. The new one sits on the inside corner of the lot towards the back across from a major family restaurant along highway 20. The other newer booth sits in the lot of the gas station adjacent the other coffee booth and gas station. One fuel center is an automated one while the second one is a newly remodeled convenience store with the newly built coffee booth. Business must be good for the coffee industry to see this much growth in a recessive economy!

I should’ve taken pictures of all the shops we passed in our travels. I would have a dozen or more shops to feature on this blog. You know what they say, though, hind sight is 20/20. The lesson was learned and we started to photograph and document the specialty coffee shops, cafes, and coffee booths that we encounter. You’ll  be seeing dozens of them featured here in the coming months.

Our first feature will be a little coffee shop, cafe that is a little more than a booth with a patio for seating and outdoor cafe. It’s called Joe Monkey. I won’t say any more about it yet. You have to wait for the special feature coming soon. We took photos of the shop and its owners and gathered some contact information for the owners. Cephas and I are excited to be writing coffee features. We feel like espresso reporters!

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