Monday, February 10, 2014

Dumb Starbucks premieres in the News

I couldn't believe it when I heard it! Dumb Starbucks. For real. I did a double take when I saw the news report. And they are serving real coffee with the Starbuck's logo. Now what is really up with that? Is this just Starbucks being cleverly stealth and further pushing their brand? Let's check it out to see what we can learn. I'll be back in a few minutes after I do a search online.

Meanwhile, grab a cup of Starbucks coffee and enjoy...or should I say Dumb Starbucks coffee?

Here's what I discovered:

  • The original Starbucks was contacted. They claim that "Dumb Starbucks" has nothing to do with the corporation known as Starbucks.
  • The owner of the "Dumb Starbucks", Ben Pankokin, released an FAQ on Twitter. Click this link to read it for yourself. Or paste this link into your browser:

Here is a copy of the document that the owner claims gives Dumb Starbucks the right to use the real Starbucks logo with the added word prefixed. 


As for the new store's owner, he doesn't think the legal issue will be a problem because "Dumb Starbucks" is an obvious parody of "Starbucks". Hold on tight to your seats and watch the news about this rival store using an almost identical logo, cups and store design.

I'm still not convinced that it isn't a clever corporate Starbucks gimmick. I'll post an update on this interesting turn of events regarding my favorite coffee shop. Stay tuned and keep drinking that great coffee!

The Midnight Writer

Monday, January 6, 2014

The corner seat gives the best view

There is just something "safe" and "fun" about sitting in that corner seat of any public coffee shop. Do you understand why I say that? Well, let me explain....

When I go to a public place to drink coffee, I usually like to sit for several hours drinking coffee and writing. It's a social experience, believe it or not. It's a place where I can go to enjoy my favorite hot beverage, type out my thoughts as I have conversations in my mind about stories and characters. The social part is that even though I'm keeping to myself tucked back in the corner, I have the prime seat to observe every one coming and going while I sit out of the way. My table is not in the path of all that foot traffic or in a popular spot by the window where every one wants to sit. No. It's off in the far corner, unnoticed, while I think, create and observe.

The Midnight Writer