There are a few subjects that I would like to cover today starting with the continuity of a "round robin". First of all, I should ask you if you know what a round robin is? I'll explain it for you just in case.
The term "round robin" is French in origin and has its roots based in France where many people signed a petition to the Crown in protest of authority and the signing was done in a circular or ribbon fashion to disguise the order in which it was signed. This way no one could be dubbed the ring leader.
My hope for this blog is to introduce the platform of a round robin whereby modern practice creates letters or contests or sports events with multiple people participating. One example would be many people signing a petition or many people sending a Christmas letter by passing it around. We will define the rules for our "round robin" together as we explore its use and define how these sessions will take place at The Midnight Writers Cafe.
I found a round robin generator that I want to try out here.
The first round robin event that I would like to promote is a poety writing. We'll start with two lines to a poem which I will write here. People will add to it by posting comments until two lines that act as the perfect closure for my first two lines are written. Then I will write the ending or solution to the poetry or prose and publish the final version with all the authors being given credit. I will provide a link back to your site if you have not already placed it in the comment section.
This should add a little creative fun to this site while we slam espressos, or tote tea or sip a smoothie. Come back often because there are more ideas brewing. Watch for the beginning of the round robin in my next post.
The Midnight Writer
Monday, April 27, 2009
How did Espresso Arrive in the Coffee Scene?

Espresso means made expressly for you.
Whether or not you are a history buff, that is a good question. It is a question that I would like to explore since I am such a coffee fan. I think it would be good to know where my favorite beverage originated. Don't you?
So I went digging on search engines looking for the answer to this question: "when, how and from where did espresso enter the coffee scene?"
Here is what I found:
The first true espresso originated in Italy in the early 1900's. I found some impressive information at "1st in Coffee" so visit their site to read more. According to their information, "Luigi Bezzeri patented the first steam driven espresso machine."
Fascinating. Did you know that?
How did the word spread about this new coffee taste sensation with lots of caffeine kick?
history buff,
Luigi Bezzeri,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Word for Today is Relaxing so Pick a Calming Tea

Today I feel very relaxed and sort of melancholy. I'm imagining all those leisure walks we used to take just strolling with no particular place to go. I'm hoping that my hubby will be open for a nice walk either down by the river or along a mountain road. We have been way too stressed out lately with our vehicle problems and the burdens of life in spiritual, personal and financial areas. I'm making a healthy decision to bring about some changes in my life to protect my spiritual and physical and emotional well being.
One of the steps I decided to take that I want to share with you is to take in more healthy food and drinks. You all know from reading my posts how much Cephas and I love coffee. It's like a staple for us and some days it's more like a daily ritual. That is why I want to change it. I want to drink coffee because I want to enjoy it not because I need to drink it. If anything becomes an addiction it could be a problem so we're going to attempt to nip this habit and make it a drink of choice, not need. How will we do that?
By drinking more teas and juices an smoothies. These are all healthy for you and they are part of the Cafe/Coffee Shop experience as much as coffee. This is exciting news for all of you because we can delve into many new territories here. You can learn with me as we share information on great drinks and their benefits. I would like to find the best economic deals on some of those products as well so help me out here. I still want to hear about your favorite drink.
ON to Today's Word Pick: relaxing and calming.
I am choosing one of my favorite teas for this effect, chamomile.
Have you ever tried chamomile tea? It is smooth and calming with a slight euphoric effect. If you are tired it will induce sleep or it will enhance your desire to meditate. Babies will calm right down if you give them some chamomile for their stomach or their teeth. I have used it for my grandchildren with great success.
Chamomile has many benefits from helping children with teething pain, settling the stomach, calming the nerves or aiding with sleep. Herbal journals purport that it protects against staph and strep so it is a handy medicine to keep in your kitchen. Mixed with a bit of yarrow it carries great antibiotic and antiviral effect.
I love the taste. If you want it sweet add a touch of honey but do not give honey to children or infants under one year old.
Brew a warm cup of chamomile today and relax.
The Midnight Writer
Friday, April 24, 2009
Famous Coffee Shops Around the World
Image by Ewan-M via Flickr
As of yet, I have not received any nominations for any one's favorite coffee shop or cafe. So I'm extending the invitation again and hoping that my readers will reciprocate with an entry. I'm really anxious to start writing features here about coffee shops, cafes and your favorite drinks as well. Hurry and send those entries today and include a photo, too if you can. Send all information to for a quick response.
While I'm waiting for the nominees of all those great cafes around the country and around the world, I'm starting my own feature spot on famous coffee shops around the world. Maybe this will stir some inspirations from my audience.
The photograph shows the lovely "Old Coffee House in Soho, London, England". The address is 49 Beak Street which was formerly known as Silver Street. I love the design of this coffee house. It is featured on The Randomness Guide to London so visit their site to learn more and tell them The Midnight Writer's Cafe sent you.
What do you find attractive about The Old Coffee House?
I like the location, the building style and the colors are very nice. As for the service, I've never been to this lovely coffee house yet but it is on my list of places to visit.
Aside from serving ale from their own micro brewery and they have a wine list, too. Food is served with banquettes held in the back, according to the Randomness Guide to London. When I conducted a google search for this coffee house under its name The Old Coffee House, they were the first one on the list. I found a google map to locate it so you can bookmark it for your travel plans.
Alan Moore,
Coffee and Tea,
David Cushman,
Social media,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tis the Season for Iced Frappuccinos

With all the craze for iced drinks and frappuccinos, how much information is available about whether iced drinks or hot drinks are better for you in the warmer weather?
Between you and me, we can uncover this information and share it right here on your favorite online cafe. Now don't get me wrong. Regardless of the outcome of our research, I fully intend to enjoy some iced tea and an occasional iced vanilla frappuccino this summer with lots of whipped cream on top. Cinnamon adds the perfect finishing touch to any iced or hot coffee. You should try it!
My personal preference in drinking coffee remains with the hot espresso based drinks and lately I'm leaving out the syrups 75% of the time. I need to cut back on the sugar. You might consider using less sugar in the summertime to help keep those bugs away! If you're sweet smelling they will love you more.
The Midnight Writer
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Watching "The Day After Tomorrow" Makes me Want a Capucchino

The cup is warm in your hand as the steam rises teasing your nostrils with its rich sweet aroma. A cozy feeling washes over you while you inhale its aroma and let the scent of the vanilla that mingles with the rich French roast coffee you used to make the espresso shots. The cream makes it thick, rich and soothing to the stomach as you drink copiously from the venti sized cup in your hands. You are still savoring the warmth within your hands.
The warm beverage is creating heat inside your stomach which feels good as you watch the approach of the superstorm on the movie. A polar shift will take place and the whole northern hemisphere will be plunged into an ice age. Anyone who steps outside during the temperature shift will freeze almost instantly. That is cold. Now they're talking about giving orders to the National Guard to evacuate as many people as possible to Mexico to prevent total loss of life during the freeze.
I'm watching this storm advance with high winds, rain, ice, snow and frigid temperatures invading the continents freezing everything still in place as it advances. The scientists are sharing a twelve year old bottle of scotch. I look down in my still warm hands and gingerly sip some more of this delicious capucchino that I have been nursing for ten minutes now. The foam has all dissolved by now adding more creamy texture to the beverage.
I reach for a fleece blanket and wrap my legs in it to warm up. My room isn't really cold. It's just the power of suggestion watching all this ice advance on the city of Manhattan. Someone is convincing people to go outside but the young man whose father is a scientist is warning them not to go outside into the frigid temperatures. He's telling the people they will freeze to death but they are not listening. Droves of them are leaving the library to walk outside trying to run south before the snow gets too deep. What a terrible misjudgment!
I pull my blanket closer to my body and add a dash of cinnamon to my vanilla capucchino. I'm thinking about sitting closer to my husband for this movie so we can emulate sharing body heat to survive the frigid storm proxy from The Day After Tomorrow.
Do you suppose that all the predictions of the polar shift and weather disasters predicted for 2012 will happen?
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