Today I feel very relaxed and sort of melancholy. I'm imagining all those leisure walks we used to take just strolling with no particular place to go. I'm hoping that my hubby will be open for a nice walk either down by the river or along a mountain road. We have been way too stressed out lately with our vehicle problems and the burdens of life in spiritual, personal and financial areas. I'm making a healthy decision to bring about some changes in my life to protect my spiritual and physical and emotional well being.
One of the steps I decided to take that I want to share with you is to take in more healthy food and drinks. You all know from reading my posts how much Cephas and I love coffee. It's like a staple for us and some days it's more like a daily ritual. That is why I want to change it. I want to drink coffee because I want to enjoy it not because I need to drink it. If anything becomes an addiction it could be a problem so we're going to attempt to nip this habit and make it a drink of choice, not need. How will we do that?
By drinking more teas and juices an smoothies. These are all healthy for you and they are part of the Cafe/Coffee Shop experience as much as coffee. This is exciting news for all of you because we can delve into many new territories here. You can learn with me as we share information on great drinks and their benefits. I would like to find the best economic deals on some of those products as well so help me out here. I still want to hear about your favorite drink.
ON to Today's Word Pick: relaxing and calming.
I am choosing one of my favorite teas for this effect, chamomile.
Have you ever tried chamomile tea? It is smooth and calming with a slight euphoric effect. If you are tired it will induce sleep or it will enhance your desire to meditate. Babies will calm right down if you give them some chamomile for their stomach or their teeth. I have used it for my grandchildren with great success.
Chamomile has many benefits from helping children with teething pain, settling the stomach, calming the nerves or aiding with sleep. Herbal journals purport that it protects against staph and strep so it is a handy medicine to keep in your kitchen. Mixed with a bit of yarrow it carries great antibiotic and antiviral effect.
I love the taste. If you want it sweet add a touch of honey but do not give honey to children or infants under one year old.
Brew a warm cup of chamomile today and relax.
The Midnight Writer
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