The cup is warm in your hand as the steam rises teasing your nostrils with its rich sweet aroma. A cozy feeling washes over you while you inhale its aroma and let the scent of the vanilla that mingles with the rich French roast coffee you used to make the espresso shots. The cream makes it thick, rich and soothing to the stomach as you drink copiously from the venti sized cup in your hands. You are still savoring the warmth within your hands.
The warm beverage is creating heat inside your stomach which feels good as you watch the approach of the superstorm on the movie. A polar shift will take place and the whole northern hemisphere will be plunged into an ice age. Anyone who steps outside during the temperature shift will freeze almost instantly. That is cold. Now they're talking about giving orders to the National Guard to evacuate as many people as possible to Mexico to prevent total loss of life during the freeze.
I'm watching this storm advance with high winds, rain, ice, snow and frigid temperatures invading the continents freezing everything still in place as it advances. The scientists are sharing a twelve year old bottle of scotch. I look down in my still warm hands and gingerly sip some more of this delicious capucchino that I have been nursing for ten minutes now. The foam has all dissolved by now adding more creamy texture to the beverage.
I reach for a fleece blanket and wrap my legs in it to warm up. My room isn't really cold. It's just the power of suggestion watching all this ice advance on the city of Manhattan. Someone is convincing people to go outside but the young man whose father is a scientist is warning them not to go outside into the frigid temperatures. He's telling the people they will freeze to death but they are not listening. Droves of them are leaving the library to walk outside trying to run south before the snow gets too deep. What a terrible misjudgment!
I pull my blanket closer to my body and add a dash of cinnamon to my vanilla capucchino. I'm thinking about sitting closer to my husband for this movie so we can emulate sharing body heat to survive the frigid storm onslaught...by proxy from The Day After Tomorrow.
Do you suppose that all the predictions of the polar shift and weather disasters predicted for 2012 will happen?
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