Monday, April 27, 2009

Round Robin Let's Keep the Herbal Tea Going

There are a few subjects that I would like to cover today starting with the continuity of a "round robin". First of all, I should ask you if you know what a round robin is? I'll explain it for you just in case.

The term "round robin" is French in origin and has its roots based in France where many people signed a petition to the Crown in protest of authority and the signing was done in a circular or ribbon fashion to disguise the order in which it was signed. This way no one could be dubbed the ring leader.

My hope for this blog is to introduce the platform of a round robin whereby modern practice creates letters or contests or sports events with multiple people participating. One example would be many people signing a petition or many people sending a Christmas letter by passing it around. We will define the rules for our "round robin" together as we explore its use and define how these sessions will take place at The Midnight Writers Cafe.

I found a round robin generator that I want to try out here.

The first round robin event that I would like to promote is a poety writing. We'll start with two lines to a poem which I will write here. People will add to it by posting comments until two lines that act as the perfect closure for my first two lines are written. Then I will write the ending or solution to the poetry or prose and publish the final version with all the authors being given credit. I will provide a link back to your site if you have not already placed it in the comment section.

This should add a little creative fun to this site while we slam espressos, or tote tea or sip a smoothie. Come back often because there are more ideas brewing. Watch for the beginning of the round robin in my next post.

The Midnight Writer

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